
Option without wines

5-step menu

Chef´s selection

5-step menu

Homemade wood-roasted pork tenderloin sausage - pickled cabbage and onion - huancaína - herbs mayonnaise - hot sauce

Grilled provolone cheese -  dried mushrooms - champignons - hazelnuts

Atlantic catch of fish - beet and fennel purée - seasonal vegetables - saffron and dill hollandaise sauce

Marinated chicken - cauliflower purée - tropical salad with mango or

Your choice of grilled meat: thin skirt - hokipa beef - short ribs per portion - rib eye with bone - tenderloin

GARNISH (one option for each grilled meat)

French fries - green leaves salad - grilled vegetables - roasted mushrooms - mashed potatoes with truffles oil

Dessert of your choice

Coffee and petits fours


One mineral water


The menu includes a 5-step menu per person. The price is expressed in Argentine pesos per person, VAT included. Not valid for special dates (consult). Valid through April 30 th, 2024.

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